IT, Online Store, Statistics / Analysis

DNP/Providing SaaS-type services that support sales expansion of EC malls

On November 10, DNP started offering a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform service that analyzes sales data of mall-type EC sites in partnership with Profitero Ltd., which develops EC data analysis tools.

Companies that sell food and beverages, daily necessities, electronic products, etc. at Japanese EC malls can use the service in a cloud environment.

Profitero’s EC mall analysis service has been adopted by more than 4000 companies in 50 countries around the world, and contributes to the expansion of corporate product sales at EC malls represented by Amazon.

From information on more than 8,000 EC malls around the world, we used AI modules to obtain timely information such as price changes, inventory availability, sponsors, search trends, etc. of our own products and competing products, and a huge amount of information since 2010 when we started our business We are accumulating sales data.

By analyzing EC data from various angles using the SaaS module, client companies can plan optimal SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies and increase sales by increasing conversion rates.

The estimated price (excluding tax) is about 10 million yen per one-year subscription contract (the price varies depending on the service content).

The service sales window will be the Japan office of Profitero.



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