On May 20, Colowide announced the implementation status regarding reduction of the number of employees.
Currently, the main initiative of the head office department is to reduce the number of employees commuting by teleworking, and the number of employees commuting during the period of emergency declaration has been reduced by 70%.
In addition to temporary leave (full salary guarantee), staggered commuting is also available. In addition, we are promoting online (video, telephone) education and training for meetings, business negotiations, recruitment interviews, and paperless and de-hanko using an electronic approval system.
As an infection prevention measure in the head office, we thoroughly measure the temperature when going to work, wear a mask, wash hands, and disinfect with alcohol, and carry out prompt PCR tests for people who are in poor physical condition at the expense of the company. In addition, we refrain from having dinner with business partners, refraining from in-house social gatherings, and prohibit business trips.
In addition to customers, the Group gives top priority to the safety of business partners, employees and their families, and is developing various measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection, such as thorough infection prevention measures in stores.
As a leader in food infrastructure, he will continue to respond to all requests from the government and local governments, in addition to closing stores and shortening business hours.